What is Quarantine


What is coronavirus

Any of a group of RNA viruses that cause a variety of diseases in humans and other animals.
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus.


    1st to 3rd days we feel fever and slight pain in the Neck.

     4th days we pain in neck vice getting heavier and heavier,

Fever and Headache pain.
    5th days our body will be laziness and, fell in full-body pain
& Dry cough will continue.
    6th days feel sight fever and temperature will go raise (100°F − 37.7 C)
Wet and dry cough, breathing problems will increase and vomiting.
7th days fever will go high and cough will go to increase. Constipation
& vomiting will go on rapidly.
    8th days if symptoms will remain the same you should go to the doctor.
How to hand wash? 

      Wash your hands frequently
2.      Maintain social distancing
3.      Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
4.      Practice respiratory hygiene
5.      If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early
6.      Stay informed and follows the advice given by your healthcare provider
7.      Protection measures for persons who are in or have recently visited
(past 14 days) areas where COVID-19 is spreading
8.      Stay at home
9.      If you develop fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical advice
promptly as this may be due to a respiratory infection or other serious condition
10.  Be ready for coronavirus
11.  Protect yourself and others from getting sick
12.  How to cope with stress during 2019-nCoV outbreak
13.  Stay healthy while traveling. PREVENTION IS BETTER THEN CURE.
How to Coronavirus spread
How to sanitize your hands properly

The most affected country of the world (Italy)

What is Quarantine?

Quarantine, which can be called "medical detention, or medical detention" for the ease of the

public, is a centuries-old word.
Basically it is derived from the Latin word, quarantine, quarantine and the Italian word
quarantine or Quaranta - the literal meaning of this word is 40 days.
People under quarantine.
The historical background of this word
It exists in fourteenth-century Europe. The plague epidemic spread to Europe in 1343,
which was later renamed Black Death because the disease killed one-third of Europe's population
from 50- 1347.  The people are under these 14 days.
The quarantine ship Rhin, at large in Sheerness. Source: National Maritime Museum of Greenwich, London

Europe did not source to control it:
Europe did not have the resources to deal with this infectious disease. The causes of the outbreak
were not known, and the concept of therapeutic facilities could not be termed as religious scholars
and began the process of worshiping and glorifying churches.
This century enacted regular medical custody or quarantine at the government level
The Venetian-controlled port city of Ragusa (now Dubrovnik, Croatia). But the United States has set up
many measures to rid it. Different country has taken the measures of the ports of entry has banned.
They have locked down the country to spread the communication of disease.
The Venetian-controlled port city of Ragusa (now called Dubrovnik, Croatia, these cities are Dubrovnik,
Isolating a village in Romania whose inhabitants believe that doctors poison those
suspected of cholera (1911)
Law has been made:
A law was passed under which ships coming from plague-hit areas were shut down for thirty days.
This term was called Trentino.
No one from Ragusa was allowed to enter the ships; under this law, those violating the law were also sentenced to be
detained for 30 days.In the next 80 years after the enactment of these laws, Marseilles, Pisa and several other cities
made similar legislation. Within a century, the period of medical detention of the ships and patients was extended
from thirty days to forty days. Now the term has also been changed from Trentino to Quaranto.
Public Health Service Quarantine Station, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1957
Scientific historians are unable to explain:
Scientific historians are unable to explain Why the quarantine period was reduced from thirty days to forty The yellow flag hoisted on symbols and symbols "as" Lima "Lima and Yellowjacket.
Precautions Measurements to get rid of:
At eventually the people and the government of world ahs trying to stop the
spread of the virus. Social media and the source are trying to prevent the spread.
The patient has to be isolated in Quarantine. A suspected person has to be isolated
from infected persons. The people should be given awareness about public health.
In the end, we can say this virus of the corona contagious disease.
COVID-19 virus
COVID-19 virus

COVID-19 virus


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